The Japan EU Partnership in Innovation, Science and Technology (JEUPISTE) sets off in September 2013 as a three-year project. Adopted as a part of Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of S&T Partnerships (BILAT) under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission for research, technological development and demonstration activities (FP7), JEUPISTE is a project coordinated by Institute for International Studies and Training (EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation) with a participation of nine institutions from Japan and EU. Kobe University is the only Japanese institution among the nine institutions other than the coordinating EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation located in Tokyo.
The major activities of JEUPISTE project will include: (1) to contribute to Japan-EU policy dialogues, (2) to provide information by establishing the network between Japan and the EU, (3) to support the partnership development, (4) to create a contact point such as a help desk and provide training for human resource development including URA for joint project management, and (5) to develop outreach programmes and collaboration with the media.
Kobe University has been leading the partnership development with the EU for many years and will continue to make our contribution under this programme. The kick off meeting will be held at the Kobe University Brussels European Centre on September 9 and 10.
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