The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation proposes a 6 months in-house fellowship scheme in Japan, designed to support its research and policy analysis of EU-Japan economic and industrial issues[1]. The fellowship is worth 1700 EUR/month (payable in JPY) and covers a period of 6 months, twice a year, July-December 2013 and October 2013 - March 2014. The fellowship is addressed to EU and Japanese professionals (trade and economic analysts, academics, scientists, civil servants) with a proven interest in Japan and EU-Japan cooperation from multiple perspectives (trade/market access, industrial policy issues, R&D, etc...).
More information can be found on the EU-Japan Centre's web site:
[1] Established in 1987 as a non-profit organisation, the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is a unique venture between the European Commission (Directorate General for Enterprise & Industry) and the Japanese Government (Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry). With two offices (Tokyo and Brussels), it is co-financed and co-managed by both Authorities. In 25 years the EU-Japan Centre has become an effective bridge between European and Japanese business and policy circles, by developing a full range of activities such as seminars, reports, business round tables, and training programmes for executives, internships for technical students, information services, and promotion of R&D cooperation.
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