The 11th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium


We are pleased to announce the Symposium ‘Green Horizons, Sustainable Futures: EU and Japan Research for Climate-Prepared, Resilient Societies‘ will take place on 20 October 2021 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). This is the 11th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium and jointly organised with VUB.

During the event, leading researchers from European and Japanese institutions will present some of the latest research and innovation carried out in Japan and Europe in economics, natural sciences, technology and SSH, to mitigate climate change and ensure the emergence of climate-aware, resilient societies.

Although we are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the venue if possible, we appreciate that many continue to be affected by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore we have decided to offer the symposium as a hybrid event conducted both in person in Brussels and online. We hope that this will make it more convenient for everyone to participate in our symposium, especially for those who may be reluctant to attend in person due to travel and infection prevention related concerns.

All the time below and in the programme is Belgian time (CET), Japan time (JST) is 7 hours ahead.

Programme&Presentation Materials


Registration: closed


For enquiries, please contact the Kobe University Centre for EU Academic Collaboration at:

Date and Time:
Wednesday 20 October 2021, 9:15-17:45(CET) / 16:15-24:45(JST)
Online and U-Residence, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Generaal Jacqueslaan 271, 1050 Brussels, Belgium)
Opening Addresses (9:15-10:00)
Keynote Speech (10:00-10:30)
Morning Parallel Sessions (10:30-13:30)
- Session 1: ‘Towards a global green economy‘
- Session 2: ‘Breakthrough technologies for climate solutions‘
- Session 3: ‘Enabling resilient, climate-prepared societies‘
Policy Keynote Speech (14:30-14:45)
Open Interactive Workshops and Brokerage Events (14:45-16:15)
- A: Economics
- B: Natural Sciences and Technology
- C: Social Sciences and Humanities
【CLOSING REMARKS】(16:25-16:40)

Follow-up Workshop and Brokerage Event:
‘New Opportunities for EU-Japan Research & Innovation Cooperation‘

Date: Thursday 21 October 2021
Online event

On the next day of the symposium, a follow-up workshop and brokerage event will take place online. This ‘hands-on‘ event will focus on new funding opportunities for international R&I cooperation in Europe and in Japan. It will include presentations of ongoing and future projects, and testimonials and lessons learned from EU and Japanese partners.

For further information, please visit here.


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