We are pleased to inform you that the Visegrad Project Kick-Off Symposium "The Place of V4 countries in Europe and Japan" will be held on 19 October 2017 at Jagiellonian University,Poland .
From October 2017 Kobe University is starting a course titled “The Place of V4 Countries in Europe and Japan” to study the importance of Central and Eastern Europe within the EU, links between Japan and the region, and its position in Japan. The course is expected to be offered to exchange students from partner universities of Kobe University, and taught with cooperation from scholars in our V4 partner universities: Jagiellonian University (Poland), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary), Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), and Charles University (Czech). Kobe University organise a ommemorating symposium for the establishment of the course and examine reserach collaboration with Visegared project partners. We look forward to your attendance.
Please find attached the actual programme. →here
Registration is now closed
For enquiries, please contact the Kobe University Centre for EU Academic Collaboration at:
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