- Date:
- 13 March 2013 10:00 - 17:30
- Venue:
- European Economic and Social Committee
JDE 63 (6th floor, Jacques Delors Building)
99, rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels
- Languages:
- Japanese and English
*Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into Japanese and English
If you wish to attend the symposium, please fill in and send the registration form (Excel file) by 8 March 2013.
Opening: 10:00 – 10:20
- HE Mr Kojiro Shiojiri, Ambassador of Japan to the European Union
- Mr Henri Malosse, President of Employers' Group, European Economic and Social Committee
- Professor Noriyuki Inoue, President of EU Institute in Japan, Kansai
Part I: 10:20 – 12:30
EU-Japan economies : issues and perspectives
- Moderator:
- Professor Hiromasa Kubo, Executive Director of Kobe University Brussels European Centre
- Presenters:
- Professor Yoichi Matsubayashi, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University
"External Imbalances in Japan: Past, Present and Future"
- Associate Professor Kazufumi Yugami, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University
"The transition from school to stable employment: A comparative perspective"
- Senior Assistant Professor Miki Kobayashi, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University
"Income Inequality and Poverty in Japan"
- Mr Pierre Jean Coulon, European Economic and Social Committee
"Nuclear Energy and Industry Have to Be Transparent"
- Discussants:
- Ms Eve Päärendson, European Economic and Social Committee
- Professor Taiji Hagiwara, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University
- Mr Pater Krzysztof, European Economic and Social Committee
Part II: 14:15 – 17:20
Disaster recovery support from scientific/academic perspectives
- 1. Disaster Safety and Human Health
- Professor Satoru Oishi, Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University
"Research and Education for Developing Resilient Society against Mega Disaster in Kobe University"
- Professor Satoshi Takada, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders and Mental Health Care (Lessons Learned from The Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Kobe, 1995)"
- 2. Regional sustainability and industrial recovery
- Professor Masahiko Fujimoto, Director of Regional Innovation Research Center, Tohoku University
"What should we do in order to reconstruct regional economy from great disaster as a university located at the center of the affected area?"
- Mr Katsumi Hirabayashi, photographer
"what I have witnessed in Tohoku as a photographer"
- 3. Panel discussion
- Speakers from 1 & 2
- Professor Hormoz Modaressi, BRGM
- Mr Pierre Jean Coulon, European Economic and Social Committee
Closing: 17:20 - 17:30
- Professor Hiromasa Kubo, Executive Director of Kobe University Brussels European Centre
Photo exhibition by Mr Katsumi Hirabayashi
Dawn in Tohoku