The aim of the seminar is to develop a better understanding of possibilities to link mathematical models of the two parts of the transport-economy system: SCGE models and transport models. While so far in transport modelling the assumptions concerning product markets and labour markets have been rudimentary, also in the SCGE models connection to the transport system models is done with little detail. Integrating SCGE modelling involves much more than is being done at present: it includes a better alignment of behavioural principles in the two subsystems,‘cleaning’ the mathematical formulation of the joint system to alleviate redundancy problems, estimation approaches need to be streamlined etcetera.
In Europe, increased attention is being paid to performing economic evaluations of transport projects using SCGE models. The linking of freight and passenger transport systems however involve separate streams of work (IASON, OECD, CBS). In Japan, much experience has been gained by developing and applying dynamic models that join the two systems. Recent collaborative efforts for Japanese and European clients (Raem-Light) have resulted in first version models, accompanied with a long list of fundamental issues to be solved. In the seminar these issues will be presented and ways to solve problems will be identified. Broadly, the issues fall into two categories:
- horizontal issues, which complicate the task of linking the model systems by placing additional demands that models are not used to deal with together; such as modelling of social groups and dynamic systems
- vertical issues which involve the partial areas where the linking of the model systems need to take place: these concern freight and passenger transport (and within passengers, the various motives like home-work, shopping, business).
Each of the issues is introduced by a speaker (origin of the problem, state of the art, solution paths, work needed) and discussed in the seminar
Atsushi Koike (Kobe Univ.)
Lori Tavasszy (TUDelft)
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