Southern Europe

*The information in the tables is updated as needed.


University / Institute Faculty, School etc. Agreement Type Faculty, School etc. of
Kobe University
Date of Conclusion
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Erasmus+ partner
  inter-faculty Faculty of Engineering,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Research Center for Urban Safety and Security
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering inter-faculty Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation 2023.01.24
student exchange Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation 2021.10.22


University / Institute Faculty, School etc. Agreement Type Faculty, School etc. of
Kobe University
Date of Conclusion
Bocconi University   inter-university   2015.01.26
student exchange Faculty of Law,
Graduate School ofLaw,
Faculty of Economics,
Graduate School of Economics
Ca' Foscari University of Venice   inter-university   2021.04.12
student exchange University-wide 2021.04.12
faculty exchange University-wide 2016.04.01
IASI-CNR(Institute for Systems Analysis and Computer Science-National Research Council)   inter-faculty Graduate School of System Informatics 2022.02.08
University of Bologna   inter-university   2021.03.16
student exchange University-wide 2021.03.16
Dipartimento di Interpretazione (DIT), Campus di Forlì inter-faculty

Faculty of Global Human Sciences,
Faculty of Intercultural Studies,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies

student exchange

Faculty of Global Human Sciences,
Faculty of Intercultural Studies,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies

University of Catania Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) inter-faculty Graduate School of Agricultural Science 2023.10.27
University of Florence Department of Industrial Engineering inter-faculty Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of System Informatics 2022.03.30
student exchange Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of System Informatics 2022.06.16
University of Milan Department of Private Law and History of Law,
Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law,
Department of Legal Sciences ‘Cesare Becceria’,
Department of Social and Political Sciences,
Department of International, Legal, Historical and Politcal Studies,
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods,
Department of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication
inter-faculty Fuculty of Law
Graduate School of Law
student exchange Fuculty of Law
Graduate School of Law
University of Milano - Bicocca Department of Materials Science inter-faculty

Faculty of Engineering,

Graduate School of Engineering

student exchange

Faculty of Engineering,

Graduate School of Engineering

University of Naples Federico II   inter-faculty Faculty of Law,
Graduate School of Law
inter-faculty Faculty of Intercultural Studies
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
University of Naples "L'Orientale " Erasmus+ partner   inter-faculty Faculty of Global Human Sciences,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
student exchange Faculty of Global Human Sciences,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
 student exchange(DD) Graduate School of Intercultural Studies 2023.05.12
University of Parma Department of Economis inter-faculty School of Business Administration,
Graduate School of Business Administration
student exchange School of Business Administration,
Graduate School of Business Administration
University of Pisa School of Engineering inter-faculty

Faculty of Engineering,

Graduate School of Engineering,

Graduate School of System Informatics

Department of Law inter-faculty Faculty of Law,
Graduate School of Law
student exchange Faculty of Law,
Graduate School of Law
University of Turin   inter-university 2022.10.25
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures student exchange

Faculty of Letters,

Faculty of Global Human Sciences,

Graduate School of Humanities,

Graduate School of Intercultural Studies



University / Institute Faculty, School etc. Agreement Type Faculty, School etc. of
Kobe University
Date of Conclusion
University of Coimbra   inter-university 2022.01.14
Faculty of Economics inter-faculty Faculty of Law,
Graduate School of Law
student exchange Faculty of Law,
Graduate School of Law


University / Institute Faculty, School etc. Agreement Type Faculty, School etc. of
Kobe University
Date of Conclusion
Autonomous University of Barcelona Faculty of Translation and Interpreting and Graduate school of ( Department of Translation & Interpreting) inter-faculty Faculty of Global Human Sciences,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
student exchange Faculty of Global Human Sciences,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
Engineering School inter-faculty Graduate School of System Infomatics 2017.04.27
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs   inter-faculty Graduate School of Intercultural Studies 2015.02.23
Pompeu Fabra University   inter-university   2024.01.09
student exchange Graduate School of Humanities,
Faculty of Letters,
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies,
Faculty of Global Human Sciences
University of Barcelona   inter-university   2021.12.01
student exchange University-wide** 2021.12.01
Faculty of Economics and Business inter-faculty* Faculty of Economics,
Graduate School of Economics

DD: Double Degree Program, etc.

*Academic Exchange Agreement including Student Exchange Agreement

**Excluding some faculties/schools etc.


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