教員用教務情報 Academic Affairs Information for Faculty Members

履修者名簿の出力可能期間や成績入力期間等については、 各学部・研究科の教務担当係にお問い合わせください。

This page is for faculty members only.
Please contact the academic/student affairs section of the faculty or graduate school concerned to confirm the period when you can download the Student Registry or register the marks / grade.

Using the Kobe University Academic Affairs Information System “URIBO-NET”

・教務情報システムを利用するためには、情報基盤センターが発行したアカウント (学内限定) が必要です。アカウントは厳重に管理してください




・In order to use “URIBO-NET”, a user account issued by the Information Science and Technology Center is required. Please keep your account details secure.

・To become a user of “URIBO-NET”, you must also be registered with the academic/student affairs section of the relevant faculty or graduate school.

・Your session will automatically expire after 30 minutes of idle time without any activity. When this happens, you will lose any unsaved data. After each session timeout it is necessary to log in again.

・You must always click on the Logout tab when you leave URIBO-NET.

Kobe University Academic Affairs Information System “URIBO-NET” User’s Manual (For teachers)

The Uribo-Net User's Manual (for teachers) is stored in the "Garoon file management system". Please log in to Garoon from the following link and check the file (pdf).
*Please also check the English version from "Garoon file management system".

◆“URIBO-NET” User’s Manual (For teachers)
*After logging in, go to "Garoon file management system".





iThenticate の利用方法-アカウントの取得-

iThenticate 簡易マニュアル及びiThenticate の利用方法-Q&A-については、WeblyGo文書管理(学内限定)よりご確認ください。


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お持ちでない方は、左側の「Get Adobe Reader」ボタンをクリックしダウンロードしてください。
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